Our Commitment

Our Commitment

We are committed to looking after the environment and have invested in becoming ISO 14001 compliant. In addition we take a proactive approach to further reducing our environmental impact.

bott has installed solar arrays to generate a proportion of the energy required to support ongoing operations. As part of a recent factory extension the company has now installed further solar capacity, giving a total of 60KW of installed capacity.

Energy Saving

Energy Saving

bott recognises that improving efficiency makes both business and environmental sense, we've worked hard to introduce:

  • An LED lighting system with intelligent controls to reduce electrical consumption
  • Modern plant equipment, which we regularly maintain to ensure maximum efficiency
  • Forced warm air recirculation from roof space to floor level
  • A camel back paint plant oven which naturally reclaims heat to minimise energy input
  • Cutting edge compressed air generation with variable speed drives for efficient fluid power systems

Our energy committee actively looks for energy saving opportunities, enabling us to grow our output whilst minimising environmental impact.

Rainwater Recycling

Rainwater Recycling

bott has invested in rainwater recycling facilities at our manufacturing facility, the collected water is used for manufacturing processes and toilet flushing. The system has a maximum rainwater storage capacity of 30 tonnes and is in use all year round.


Effluent Treatment

Effluent Treatment

As a responsible manufacturer, bott has taken actions to treat the waste products from our processes. To achieve this, the company has invested in an effluent treatment plant, which removes traces of heavy metals and other pollutants, to ensure that the treated water can then be processed by the water authority.



bott has built its very own transport fleet for delivery to our customers. To minimise the environmental impact of our fleet we’ve invested in the latest Euro 6 compliant vehicles and have installed electric charge points for our electric and plug in hybrid vehicles. The company also uses state of the art software to plan efficient routes for deliveries and aims to gain backhaul loads to ensure trucks are productive whenever possible.




In addition to running its own environmental processes bott has become ISO14001:2015 accredited. To achieve this accreditation bott needed to demonstrate the presence of structured processes and policies which enable the company to minimise its environmental impact. By becoming accredited, customers and stakeholders can be sure that bott takes its environmental responsibilities seriously.

Download a copy of our ISO 14001 2015 Certificate.