

bott is certified to ISO 9001 at its three sites in the UK.

bott products also carry the GS symbol for TÜV approved safety. bott is a manufacturer of high quality workplace and storage solutions. The bott philosophy is based on total quality, rapid response, value for money and reliability.


Quality Policy

Bott Limited manufacture and distribute high quality storage equipment and workplace systems.

It is the policy of Bott Limited to ensure that each contract is executed and fulfilled in a manner that is consistent with fully meeting the requirements and specifications of the customer.

The Company's reputation is built around the key service criteria of Total Quality, Rapid Response Times, Value for Money and Reliability. Quality objectives are continually reviewed and set in line with the company’s evolving strategic plan.

In order to support this policy, and the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015, the Company has established and documented a formal Quality System that encompasses all functions within the organisation affecting quality. It is the responsibility of the Quality Manager to maintain the Quality System.

The Quality System is subject to regular audit and review in order to maintain its validity, and to ensure that the system supports the Company's defined quality objectives. Areas for improvement are identified through specific non-conformances, trend analysis, employee suggestions, initiatives, audit results and customer feedback.

Download a copy or our Bott Limited ISO 9001 2015 Certificate.

Last revision - July 2023

Bott Limited ISO-9001- 2021-Bude.pdf (PDF, 614.9 kB)